The Astonishing Eggs of Alien Nations
Sunday 25 November 2018
They may look like they come straight out of a science fiction film, but these eggs are real - they come from the stink bug. It’s life, but most certainly not as we know it. Take a look at the astonishing eggs of the alien nations all around us.
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Lacewing eggs are attached to a leaf or a stalk by a slender piece of silk to place them, hopefully, out of harm’s way. What hatches, however, is the stuff of nightmares. The larvae immediately molt and then go on something approaching a feeding frenzy. As their senses (except that of touch) are not well developed they will essentially attack anything living that they touch in the hope that it is food. Once they are attached to their prey they will inject it with a digestive fluid – the insides of an aphid can be liquefied by a lacewing larva in an astonishing 90 seconds.
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Lacewing eggs are attached to a leaf or a stalk by a slender piece of silk to place them, hopefully, out of harm’s way. What hatches, however, is the stuff of nightmares. The larvae immediately molt and then go on something approaching a feeding frenzy. As their senses (except that of touch) are not well developed they will essentially attack anything living that they touch in the hope that it is food. Once they are attached to their prey they will inject it with a digestive fluid – the insides of an aphid can be liquefied by a lacewing larva in an astonishing 90 seconds.