Lion and Crocodile Fight Over an Impala
Sunday 3 March 2013
Or, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?! Sometimes you never know what to expect at mealtimes, especially if you and your sister are looking after five energetic cubs. Yet one thing you might not expect, if you were a lioness trying to feed a hungry family, is to be joined by an even hungrier crocodile – who doesn’t look as if he wants to share either!
This remarkable footage was taken at the end of September 2012 by Oli Dreike. The 'Kapamba Pride' at Zungulila Bushcamp, South Luangwa, Zambia killed an impala right in front of Tent 2 at Zungulila Bushcamp, interrupting the guests' breakfast. The voracious lions - two females and five cubs (regular visitors to the plain in front of camp that season) - were so absorbed in their meal, that it took them a while to apprehend that they had an unwanted and unwelcome table guest.... the enormous crocodile that lives in the stream in front of encampment had smelt its chance and decided to try it's luck at grabbing a piece of the action. The video speaks for itself!