Happy Tails - Charlie's Pets
Saturday 22 January 2011
Some people have a pet, other one or two. Charlie Boucher of Vancouver in Canada has literally hundreds. One of the reasons for this is that he owns one of the biggest domestic fish tanks I have ever seen. Here he gives his tips about how to maintain a perfect tank environment in the fish tank and how to deal with issues such as sick fish.
He also gives, simply by telling us what is involved, an insight in to the amout of time that is needed to set up and maintain a tank of this size - it really isn't something that should be entered in to lightly.
He also has a number of other pets, such as gheckos, and two adorable dogs.This is episode 7 of the Canadian TV Series, Happy Tails. New episodes can be found on Novus Channel 4 in Vancouver. If you don't receive that channel - ie you don't live in Canada, then you can see this and other episodes of Happy Tails online from the official Novus YouTube channel. Thanks to director Anthony Bortolussi for sharing this with us.
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