Monday 21 October 2013
If this doesn’t make your day then I am not sure what will… Take a number of dogs, film them shaking off water and then slow the film down… right down until every twist and turn, each slobber and swerve is captured. It is quite amazing how something so everyday becomes so entrancing!
The inspiration for this short piece came when the team from Variable, a production company & creative collective based in New York City saw the still photography of Carli Davidson which went viral last year. They contacted her to see if she would be interested in taking her project a step further and capturing the dogs with the moving image. As you can see, Variable got a big yes from Carli and they have now unleashed this fantastic video on to the internet.
If you love this as much as we did here at Ark in Space then you may like to know that Shake The Book is now available too, featuring many of Carli Davidson’s wonderful portraits of dogs captured in time while doing the shake…
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